Thursday, September 4, 2014

20 Facts of ME

Had been a really long time not updating here.
I don't know why I have no mood for writing, and
should I off my blog?

Will be posting 20 real facts of ME :)

# 1
 July babe. Cancer. ♋
I had born out not enough month from my mama's tummy. (7 months babe)

# 2
Like blue colour so much.
Blue purse, Blue phone casing, Blue shirt, Blue Bag, Blues shoes.........
Blue Blue Blue ^^

# 3
Love Food Food Food
Always hungry and won't get full when eating.
Eat a lot.

# 4
Smile to everyone although I don't know them.
Because I like smiling.
Smiling made me HAPPY ^^

# 5
I can be noisy with my friends.
I can be quite when I'm alone.
Sometimes I like alone more than friends.
(Depends on time and mood.)

# 6
Everyone thinks I'm a happy girl, maybe I'm not.
Having own thinking and feelings :)
Thinking for dreams,
Thinking for future,
Thinking for thinking.

# 7
Like kids and children.
Especially teaching and playing with them.

# 8
BANA who from Malaysia like B1A4 so so so so much.
Love GONGCHAN the most ♥♥

# 9
Korea is my dream country.
I'm going there soon :) ♥

Music lover. ♩♪♫♬♩♪♫♬
KPOP more ♥
Especially all of B1A4 songs.

# 11
Photography lover.
Like to snap non-object more than people.
*Hope to get another camera when I'm working.*

# 12
Start to wear glasses on Primary 6.
Prefer glasses than contact lens.
But I hate when want to wear sunglasses I can't look things clear.
WTH -___-

# 13
Keep my long hair because a guy who I liked and liking xD
He know who is HE. ^^

# 14
Hate pimples on my face >__<

# 15
Like coffee and spicy food but I can't eat or drink much.

# 16
Hands and legs will sweat a lot
since I'm small
 after drinking or eating iced food or drinks.

# 17
Have a scar under my knee since I'm small :(
So I wear short pants and skirts lesser.

# 18
Won cute baby champion when I was a kid.
I'm cute right? xD

# 19
Want to experience a lot of interesting activities like..
Bungee Jump, Banana Boat, Sea ride, and many more.

# 20
Not a cosmetic user, because I'm so so so LAZY xD
Style of me is more casual and nature.
My style : NOT LADY.

These are my facts, 20 is not enough for me xD
Next time maybe trying to write 100 facts?

Hope you guys know me more through these ^^

Peace ^^

Queenie ♥

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year 2014

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Everyone shouting it while
I'm blogging since 2013 until 2014
and have not being sleep for a year too
*sweat sweat*
What a joke xD

No countdown celebration actually,
but I'm sitting at Starbucks with Sek Yee.

Thanks her for being at my side for the moment of 1314.
She is sitting for her midterm on Thursday so wish her all the best and full of luck. :)
Fighting, Sek Yee ♥

Coffee made our night.
Cappuccino for Sek Yee
Caffe Latte for Queenie

Blogging for whole night and finally done two posts.
*Really Finally*

New Year, New Hopes, New Dreams.
Or maybe A New Person for me?!
I still will being the same ME 
but hoping a different person will meet me in this year.
Hoping "HE" come this year.
Not hoping too much as I still liking the person xD

Some more hope I can blog more often as last year I promised to blog 
but not really blogging much.
But Readers,
Keep reading my posts ya :D
Thank you so much and love you guys ♥

Ending this post with a photo of ME taken by Sek Yee when I'm blogging at Starbucks :)
Be A Supergirl as I said You're a Superman in my mind ♥
And Sorry, I miss you :')

Happy New Year People!

Queenie Fighting!

*Love. Life. Peace*

Xmas Celebration with Gangs

Annyeonghaseyo :)
Sorry for late post again.
Is New Year Eve,
everybody is outside countdown-ing while
 I have been writing for my blog indoor.

Throwing back my Xmas celebration with gangs 
and this post will be having a lots of photos instead of words :)
So please don't mind I putting so many photos.
It memorable if look back after few years.

Journey started with a dinner at Geographer at Jonker Street.
See everyone looking the menu seriously while I'm selca-ing xD
Queenie = Selca Queen

Nope, I'm not.
I will introduce these few sampat friends who we stick together almost everyday in class.


I don't want to talk about them now cause I want to introduce our dinner.
Hungry time :9

Cameron Tea Pot
RM 5.00 per pot
Ordered this due to we are going to spend a lot later, 
so these is the cheapest beverage. 
hehe xo xo

Jonker Fried Rice
RM 13.50

Mango Thai Chicken
RM 13.00

Black Pepper Chicken
RM 16.90

Tom Yam Mi Hun
RM 9.90 

Cheese Pasta
RM 15.90

Rating for Foods: ★★★★☆

We having a present exchange section among all of us. 

See these are our presents.
Guess which one is mine and what is inside.
Answers will be announce later,
but no small gifts given ya x)
Joke Joke xD

These chocolate are sponsored by WenHao.
Thanks for the MaCoca chocolate :)

Here are some environment photos of Geographer Cafe.

Actually I like snap non-objects more than objects.
Easier to snap compare to human beings like my friends xD

Here is the information of Geographer Cafe
Address: 83, Jalan Hang Jebat,
75200 Malacca City,
Phone: +606-281 6813

Our second round 
see what we have :D

Yes, English Tea!

Library Malacca 

Group Photo without me
because I'm Camera Girl for the night :)

Took photo with all of them but only two can show 
Photos taken by two of my friends are BLUR!
Better don't say out their name. xD

Here is a photo of ShiKai
See what he's doing..
Snapping and hashtag #jiushishuang in Instagram
*sweat man*

Jiang Jiang Jiang :D

Main theme of the night:

We bought a cake for Xmas Celebration and its so cute, see :)

Cake from Yeast Pastry House at Kota Laksamana
RM 40 
Using member card get a 10% discount.
So cute and everyone are snapping with it.

Okay, now I would like to introduce them :目

Firstly, Wen Hao
A guy with sweet words everyday in his mouth but never get a girlfriend 
Kind, Kepo, Sampat, Hiao and more.....

Second, Shi Kai
Good Guy who always accompany his girlfriend.
*True True*
Clever, Dota Kia, Sampat, Hiao and more....

Next, Joannef 
Girl who dreams to be a Supermodel.
*Broke her secret xD Oh My Lady Gaga*
Talkative, Friendly, Sampat, Hiao and more...

Following is Sharon
Best talking jeh jeh ♥
Caring, Sweet, Sampat, Hiao and etc....

Lastly, Siew Hui
Person who I bully the most
*Hug Hug*
Like a Auntie (repeating non-stop), my Bestie, Sampat, Hiao and....

Actually, we all having the same characteristic among us.
"Sampat and Hiao" 
So we can being together like family members. :) ♥

See what Siew Hui shoot of me 

-   -

Secret Sharing section and Truth or Dare section
with beer are always awesome!
A tower of beer for six of us,
is not enough actually
We enjoy these sections so much.
Laughters, Emoness...
Everyone's feelings different.

Almost the end of our night.
Everyone are so excited for our Xmas gifts.

All of us having the same kind of presents which are clothes.

All happy kids with gifts.


Siew Hui and Shi Kai got jacket.
Sharon got a sweater.
Me got a long sleeves blouses.
Wen Hao got 3 pieces of T-shirts.
Joannef got a long pants.

Ready for New Year clothes :D

OOTD of us

Everyone well dressed cause I announced that I gonna to do a blog for it.
*Good Job*

Who you think the best well dressed among us?
Pls don't mind to leave a comment for telling me.
Vote for me!
But I give everyone a BIG LIKE for posing like a model xD

Before ending...

Supermodel Queenie posing and posing for photos xD
Always choose the best for my blog

Late wishes for Xmas.
Belated Merry Xmas :)